How an Autism Obsession Led to a Hobby

My name is Brandt and I have autism. People with autism often have things they are very interested in. My current obsession is trains and photographing trains.

When I was younger, I was really into garbage trucks, car washes, and alligators. I still like those things, but when my family moved from Ohio to Washington in 2015, passing all the amazingly long freight trains captured my attention (and thank goodness, because garbage trucks are smelly!).

Lucky for me, my parents bought a house in University Place, WA, just up the hill from the Chambers Bay Golf Course. In western WA, most of the freight and Amtrak trains travel a route along the Puget Sound and Chambers Bay Golf Course was located adjacent to Puget Sound and a long stretch of railroad tracks. This site also had a pedestrian bridge that crossed over the double tracks which allowed me to be able to capture amazing pics of trains from all angles.

At first, I took pics with my cell phone. Those were pretty good. For Christmas one year, my parent bought me a Nikon D90 camera. I refused to use it for a long time (it was daunting), but once I figured it out, it was pretty sweet. Soon, more camera equipment came my way – a tripod, zoom lens, etc… and I really started to get good at capturing the train pics.

In 2018, we made another cross country move to Savannah, GA. We moved to a suburb called Richmond Hill which has two sets of tracks for freight trains that run through the middle of it. We also get a daily Amtrak train that comes through. At the urging of my parents, I began to also explore the historic downtown Savannah area and taking pictures of some of the iconic buildings. My dad is the Director of Music at the Cathedral Basilica of St. John the Baptist, so he and I even trekked up the spires to see what kind of view I could get for photos.

I love shooting photos of trains, buildings, landscapes, and people. I hope you enjoy my work!

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